Warrior Cat Clans 2 (WCC2 aka Classic) is a roleplay site inspired by the Warrior series by Erin Hunter. Whether you are a fan of the books or new to the Warrior cats world, WCC2 offers a diverse environment with over a decade’s worth of lore for you - and your characters - to explore. Join us today and become a part of our ongoing story!
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11.06.2022 The site has been transformed into an archive. Thank you for all the memories here!
Here on Classic we understand that sometimes life can get difficult and we struggle. We may need to receive advice, vent, know that we are not alone in our difficult times, or even just have someone listen to what's going on in our lives. In light of these times, we have created the support threads below that are open to all of our members at any time.
Echopaw raced out of the cave and climbed to a ledge toward the top of the waterfall. It was high and she knew she could get in trouble if someone caught her or she could easily get hurt, but it was nearly dawn and this was her favorite part of the day. She sat and waited patiently until the first rays of light peaked the top of the horizon. She stood on her tiptoes to try and see more of the light as the sun slowly rose higher. The water light hit her eyes and caused them to glisten a beautiful green. A smile crossed her face when she finally saw the sun just slightly above the treeline.
As the sun rose higher, it cast long shadows along the ground but also drenched the lush green forest in a golden glow. Such beauty. Although she loved the night time, she thought day was just as grand. Both were so beautiful.
Movement along the waterfall caught his eye. He probably wasn't supposed to be here either, but he had left still desperate to find more herbs for the cats the were counting on him to provide for them. He tensed, unsure what it was sneaking around and beliving it to be a predator.
The small tom dropped down, making himself a smaller target, but as the figure came into view he began to relxa "what are you doing up there Echopaw?" he called to her
Echopaw peered over the edge, "Turbulentpaw!" Echopaw was happy to see her friend, she was always happy to see her friends. She slid down the cliff easily until she landed beside the medicine cat. "I was just, uh, you know, watching the sunrise" She admitted, kicking a pebble in front of her.
He chuckled, knowing that they were not really supposed to be up there "Just be careful, you wouldn't want your mentor to catch you" he teased gently, sitting down and letting his little tail wrap around his paws.
She chuckled, "don't worry. I'll be careful! Plus, I really don't think my mentor would care." She rolled her eyes. Her mentor seemed like she really didn't care about anything. "My fear is Larkwing" she giggled with an amusing twitch of her whiskers, placing her paw over her mouth. "He can get in his moods."