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The Survival Clans were the remaining clans from the old Element Clans and the old Water Clans. Of the eight clans, three remain. BrookClan is from the Water Clans while EarthClan and WaterClan are the two remaining elemental clans. The four clans that were originally deleted were FireClan, AirClan, CreekClan, and RippleClan. Some say that a fire burned through their territories, destroying everything in sight, while others think that Two-legs are to blame. Later, Pondclan was also deleted. BrookClan prefers to stay near the waters, while WaterClan and EarthClan tend to keep to themselves. WaterClan cats have an affinity for lakes and rivers while EarthClan cats roam lush forests.

A flood came and destroyed the territory of the three clans. Most of WaterClan survived and chose to integrate with family in SummerClan, while EarthClan's survivors fled to FallClan and SunClan.
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